File Storage: MyFiles User Space (S drive)

MyFiles User Space is an on-premises storage space designed to support the academic mission of the university. It is for faculty, researchers, staff, and students to use as personal space when UNCG’s preferred cloud-storage services are not suitable. This space is used to store files and folders that are not shared with anyone else.

IMPORTANT: S drives will be analyzed periodically for usage. Any folders found not to be in use will be archived and removed.  See Archiving and Removing Inactive S Drives for more information.

Requesting an S Drive

Students, faculty, or staff may request MyFiles User space. To request space, submit the MyFiles User Space request form (login required). If you do not see this form upon logging in to the 6-TECH portal, you are not eligible to request this space. Contact 6-TECH if you have questions.

S drive space is automatically generated after submitting the request form. You should receive an email from 6-TECH stating that the request has been fulfilled. You may have to restart your computer after completing the request for your S drive to map for you (Windows GCN computers only).

S drives receive 10GB of storage space by default. Requests for increases up to 50GB total will be automatically approved. Allocating the additional space may take 24 to 48 hours. The maximum available allocation is 100GB.

Requesting an Increase in Space for Your S Drive

To request additional space allocation for your S drive, contact 6-TECH at (336) 256-TECH (8324) or An incident will be generated for your request and routed to the proper team for fulfillment.

Space increases will only be granted in 10GB increments. For example, you can request that your space be increased from 10GB to 20GB, but not 15GB. 

Accessing MyFiles User Space


Your S drive will map for you when on the Campus Network (formerly the GCN).


NOTE: Files and folders in S drives cannot be shared with others. To share and collaborate on files/folders with other people, move your files to one of UNCG’s preferred storage solutions (Box or Google Drive), or MyFiles Group Space (N and O drives).

Archiving and Removing Inactive S Drives

S drive usage will be analyzed periodically. The S drive of former faculty, staff, and students will be deleted after the computing account for the person has been deleted for one year.