Contract & Grant Accounting staff are pleased to announce that the confirmation of effort on sponsored projects (grants and contracts) will be electronically managed through UNCGenie, replacing the paper-based process.
What is it?
Effort Reporting, also known as Effort Certification, is the process by which any UNCG employee, faculty, or staff paid from a grant or contract at UNCG confirms (certifies) their effort, or percent of time, working on that grant or contract.
Why are we doing it?
Federal Uniform Guidance Subpart E§200.430 requires Effort Reporting for all institutions, including UNCG, receiving federal grants or contracts. This process confirms that UNCG is working on these projects as agreed with the sponsor. Additionally, it offers a more efficient process than the current paper-based system. UNCG will benefit from:
- Ease of use with web-based application
- Access through UNCGenie’s employee tab
- Utilization of current campus security and access controls
- Electronic distribution and capture of reports and certifications
- Improved Compliance – principal investigators, faculty, and staff will certify sponsored effort
- Enhanced reporting capability, including management reporting and maintenance of historical information and audit trails
How will I be impacted?
During the upgrade period, if you are on campus, you may experience sporadic or complete outages of several services, including:
- Internet access
- Phone services
- Remote access
- Web services
- Hosting services
When will this be implemented?
Starting on Thursday, August 1, 2024, principal investigators, faculty, and staff can begin to certify their on-contract sponsored effort for the reporting period of January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024.
Starting on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, principal investigators can begin to certify their off-contract sponsored effort for the reporting period of May 15, 2024, to August 15, 2024.
Each certification period will last about eight weeks.
What do I need to do?
Stay tuned for email communication from Contract & Grant Accounting regarding updates and training. Updates may also be sent periodically through ITS News.